This translates to love of honor and refers to the importance that Greeks put into respecting and honoring their family and friends. Friolero Friolero describes a person who is particularly susceptible and sensitive to cold weather, prone to easily feeling cold. Whats Your Favourite Way to Express Your Love From Around the World? Natural gemstones speak to us in a universal language of aesthetics. Cela fait perdre un temps prcieux. Tesoro is one of Italys favourite terms to express love. Saudade can be a longing for something which does not and probably cannot exist or refer to the love that remains long after someone or something is gone and may not return a nostalgic longing for a person or thing that was loved once, but is now lost. Once you discover how the word beautiful is translated into multiple languages, you can vary the way you express your perception of beauty verbally. Privacy Policy. If you need to call in a favour then you use up your guanxi. Ibadan, Nigeria. No matter what, this person will do the honourable thing, regardless of the consequence. This There is an apparent contradiction in terms, if the Left wants to grip nationalism. Lagom Lagom means just the right amount, its neither too much, nor too little, but juuuuuust right. ul. . of great value or high price; highly esteemed or cherished; excessively refined : affected The amusing sounding German Schnuckiputzi is related to the adjectives schnuckelig and putzig, which both mean cute and sweet. Get my free Danish travel phrase guide here. Even English playwright William Shakespeare invented plenty of words too such as faint-hearted and tongue-tied. Gem varieties vary in density, so carat weight is not a good indication of size. Spanish-speaking people outdo themselves when they talk about love. It's a French word that describes the exquisite pain of truly loving someone who doesnt love you back. 10 0 treasured Valued (especially having a personal value) 10 1 dear Tidsoptimist Literally, a time optimist this is a person who is constantly late because they think they have more time than they actually do. Gilchi () What you call someone who has a terrible sense of direction and who constantly gets lost. Cierpare This beautiful word literally has Persian origins and literally means liver part. The definition of fragile is someone or something delicate, flimsy or easily broken. Beautiful Words In Other Languages: 56 Words Youll Want To Use. The literal meaning of this word in Japanese is floating world. The first, Altaic, consists of the Turkic, Mongolian, and Manchu-Tungus (Tungusic) subfamilies. I'm happy to add more language if you supply the names! This refers to the act of getting up early in the morning specifically to go outside to hear the birds sing. Add an answer. Good conversation shared with family and friends after the meal is over. These new words have entered English dictionaries at a fast pace, keeping up with the diversity of the English-speaking world. Pochemuchka is a light-hearted put-down that might be expressed in English with a warning like curiosity killed the cat. Get my free European Spanish travel phrase guide here and my Latin American travel phrase guide here. Lesprit de lescalier Literally stairwell wit, lesprit de lescalier is the feeling that youve got the perfect comeback, but you think of it too late. You can check how to say Precious in French. Precious is bay unisex name, main origion is English. Dugnad Is a type of community day where Norwegians get together to help clean up their neighbourhoods by fixing, cleaning, painting or just tidying things up. Momo is similar to Chinese baozi, jiaozi, and . Elmosolyodni A kind of smile that forms when something isnt especially funny, but you cant help but smile anyway. She managed to hurt everyone around her, even her precious Gabriel. Ikigai refers to having a direction or purpose in life which makes ones life worthwhile and full of meaning. You can call me Abdul which I adore hearing. Beautiful words in other languages are precious treasures that provide you with insight into the heart and minds of people of other cultures. In Danish they have min guldklump, meaning my gold nugget. (Let's learn together!). Luftmensch () Luftmensch is used to refer a person with their head in the clouds. Fernweh Fernweh is one of my favourite travel words that describe wanderlust perfectly. The term originated in the Meiji era (18681912) as Japanese slang. Get my free German travel phrase guide here. Use this extensive translation list for inspiration. It seems like one of the most horrible things that could happen to an Arabic language speaker is for them to outlive their loved ones. Other official languages. When you think of other people as "your own" and take care of them because you love them and expect nothing in return. Taarradhin () Taarradhin is the act of coming to a happy compromise where everyone wins. Press speaker to know how to pronounce French surnames. Learn Finnish for travel! V kapli jsou obrazy Sama Butchera, kter zobrazuj dti nebo dtsk postavy obsaen jako biblick proroky, andly nebo postavy z podobenstv o Jei.. V lednu 2007 PMI oznmila ukonen mnoha svch atrakc, vetn . Mamihlapinatapei The word mamihlapinatapai (sometimes also spelled mamihlapinatapei) comes from the Yaghan language of Tierra del Fuego in Southern Argentina. Impariamo insieme! Mt kliku This Czech verb means to have luck on your side or be lucky enough to achieve something. We think this a proper guide for English speakers to Swedish and Norwegian pronunciation for the name Precious. Schadenfreude A feeling of joy and pleasure that comes with seeing anothers misfortune. Toska () Toska is the feeling of anguish, sadness, or melancholia, even though theres no specific cause. Priceless; Precious; 554 Anmol Priceless; Valuable; Precious; 202 Bhusa Embellishment; Precious; 53 Bulti God's Child; Precious Fish in Nile 735 Heera Diamond; As Precious as Diamond; 3677 Janvi Precious; Unstoppable as River; As 48 Manku Precious Gift of God to World; 990 Meena Fish; Precious Stone; Starling; 1579 Meera Litost - Litost is nearly untranslatable, but Czech writer Milan Kundera describes it as 'a state of torment created by the sudden sight of one's own misery'. That's quite a feat! Estrenar Estrenar means first time or the beginning of something. 4 Mar. USA & Canada only: We provide a handy table with as many languages as we could find. Loskop Used to describe someone who is forgetful, absent-minded and a bit air-headed. Get my free Icelandic travel phrase guide here. Working with a tutor who is a native language speaker is a great way to expand your vocabulary to include beautiful words from other languages. Im so happy to hear that Shameem Thank you , The Norwegian Forelsket is the same in Danish, but spelled Frlskad in Swedish This is a beautiful, descriptive word that refers to the reflection of the moon in the water. Affected is defined as a situation when something impacts you or is something that was directed towards you and resulted in some emotional or other change in you. Your Norwegian word plegg exists also in Swedish with the same meaning, but is spelled plgg, and in Danish where its spelled plg. Learn Italian for travel! I promise not to spam you. A feeling of devotion or adoration toward God or a god. But they weren't abruptly replaced by other languages; instead, Ancient Greek slowly evolved into modern Greek, and Latin slowly evolved into modern Italian, Spanish, French, Romanian, and other languages. Web. CIA (2018 estimates) Sign up for our weekly newsletters and get: By signing in, you agree to our Terms and Conditions If you have, did you find them useful and amusing? We've done our best to get these right, but if we've made any mistakes please use our contact page to send us any corrections. guide to the best language learning resources here. Some of these cookies are essential to the operation of the site, while others help to improve your experience by providing insights into how the site is being used. Language: Word for Diamond Arabic (Iranian) Almas, almaz Chinese: French: Diamant This literally translates to stair words and it is used to describe that frustrating feeling you get when youve come up with the perfect witty retort -- hours after the conversation or argument has happened. This Finnish term that can be roughly translated as strength of will, determination, perseverance, and acting rationally in the face of adversity. Swedish word for a coffee break, but in Sweden, its a break that is a high point of their day. Some languages have at least two ways of saying beautiful, with separate terms to describe women and men. Ayat al Kursi. If you want detailed destinations guides, languages learning tips, and travel phrase guides, then you've come to the right place! Jobbig Jobbig is an all-encompassing word that means troublesome or trying, annoying or difficult. Its closest English equivalents are probably world-weary, depressed, fed up, restless and dissatisfied. Ruhe. An unshakable belief that your love is strong and true. It refers to the behaviour that Japanese people adopt in public, according to what is socially accepted or not by Japanese society. Listening and speaking with correct accent of the names in German language. A subordinate official, especially a servile one. It describes the drowsiness or carb coma you feel following having eaten a big meal. If you are planning to visit some of the 21 Spanish-speaking countries, we have a proposal for you. Its literally means, loose (los) head (kop). Affected in speech, manners, etc. precious [prs ] adjective 1. Brazilian Portuguese is most often pronounced exactly as it is spelled. For example, when a husband forgets to bring his wife flowers for their anniversary, she can have tamp against him. Tima Being unwilling to spend time or money on a particular thing, even though you can afford it. Learn German for travel! It describes feeling around in water with your feet to find something. Kabelsalat Kabelsalat literally means, a cable salad, a beautiful word to describe the mess of tangled cables. By signing in, you agree to our Terms and Conditions Name translation in different languages like Portuguese, Italian, Norwegian, Welsh, Slovak, German, Czech and many more languages. Mythpe Experiencing a shared embarrassment or shame when seeing someone else do something embarrassing. Experience: 2 years to less than 3 years. The norwegian word utepils could be translated into the finnish compound word pussikalja, literally bag/pouch beer. Chingada Chingada is a vulgar term commonly used in colloquial Mexican Spanish that shouldnt be thrown around lightly. The Dutch language is a West Germanic language and if you want pronounce names in Dutch then you are on right place.